Monday, July 18, 2011

Some questions about America.?

1. Was the president wrong to bypass congress in order to bomb Libya with NATO? 2. Is it wrong that troops are being pulled out of Iraq/Afghanistan and being prepared to be sent to Libya in September? 3. Is it wrong to use a CIA loophole that allows our government to use predator drones to attack Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria? 4. Is it wrong that while the United States has 5% of the world's population we have 25% of the world's prison population? 5. Would it be arguable to say that the United States using prisoners to do a great number of production services is a form of slavery? 6. Is it wrong that the top 1% get tax cuts while the middle class gets a choke hold? 7. Is it wrong to feel grief over news reports that NATO or U.S. predator drone strikes kill large number of civilians all in the name of the "war on terror" or "missions of peace"? 8. Should I get over the things my government does that I find wrong and simply focus on myself? I thank you all for any input.

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